Today’s Real Estate & Neighbourhood Digest

Take a trip with us down memory lane!

When we started in the real estate business in 1989, we decided to publish a monthly (then quarterly) newsletter. This newsletter was hand delivered to all our neighbours on our street, hence “Today’s Real Estate & Neighbourhood Digest” a.k.a. TREND. Later as our clientèle expanded, we mailed them. These newsletters talked about what was trending in the real estate industry, as well as featuring various properties for sale. We faithfully published our newsletter until the Winter of 1998.

As a tribute to our 25+ years in serving the Cambridge and Kitchener-Waterloo area, we thought it would be interesting to see how the industry as changed, if any.

In 1989, as sales representatives, we hung our shingle at Ross I. Martin Limited, Realtor. Then in 1992, with Gary as an Associate Broker and Debbie as a Sales Representative, we moved on and hung our shingle at Canada Trust Realty.  It was through Canada Trust Realty, that we were introduced to Coldwell Banker, as Coldwell Banker Canada purchased the franchise rights to Canada Trust Realty. Since that time, we have been with Coldwell Banker, with 1996 bringing us to our final destination – Coldwell Banker Gary Baverstock Realty, Brokerage.

Sit back & enjoy. We know you’ll have a chuckle or two!!

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